«I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I woke up and saw that life was service, I served and saw that service was joy».
Rabindranath Tagore
Our mission is fulfilled day by day thanks to the contributions of people, companies and/or entities that believe in our causes.
Help us continue favoring the sustainability of our country and people who need resources to access higher education services.
To make donations of money please deposit in:
Western Bank
Savings account 221-81906-3
Name of: Inalta Foundation
Nicolas Ramírez
I thank the Foundation for the opportunity it has given me to be a responsible, tolerant and optimistic leader today and its support an accompaniment.
Karen Farfán
It makes me happy to be part of a family like the Foundation, where I feel accompanied in my personal and professional processes.
Brayan Arévalo
I like the dedication and commitment that the Foundation has with each scholar to help and guide us. They make us feel like family and help generate a vision of change for our future.