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«Education does not change the world: it changes the people who are going to change the world».

Paulo Freire

We support young leaders who are role models to new generations, through programs that promote and accompany their higher education process, their sports and artistic projects, and all other cultural initiatives that supports their integral formation.


We grant university scholarships and subsidies for tuition, supplies over-all and support. We also promote their personal growth and improvement through of the skills of our fellows in various seminars and workshops organized by our School of Leadership.



Have taken the SABER 11 State Test or the equivalent State Test for applicants for the first to fourth semester.

Being a Colombian citizen or being a foreign citizen in Colombia with a defined immigration status.

Demonstrate excellent academic performance and the minimum results of the SABER 11 State Test or the equivalent State Test established in the respective Official Announcement (in the case of applicants without disabilities).

In the case of  applicants with disabilities, they must be registered in yhe Unique Registry of Location and Characterization of Disability of the Ministry of Health.

Belong to strata 1, 2 or 3.

Be admitted to a Higher Education Institution recognized by the Colombian State to pursue an undergraduate academic program.

Not having a professional degree at the university level.


casquillos de la graduación


Up to 90% of higher studies in registered professional careers.

Dos personas con togas de graduación


Maintenance  or support for university expenses.

Ceremonia de graduación


Extracurricular courses and activities that contribute to the scholar's professional growth.


Failure to comply with any of the above requirements will exclude the candidate from participating in the respective Official Announcement.

The credits financed by this Program are granted to each student for a SINGLE time.

Students who apply for the Official announcement and are not selected may start the process in a next Official Announcement.

Students who have been beneficiaries of the Program and have lost the benefit will not be able to reapply. (Students who have lost a scholarship granted by the Foundation will not have the right to reapply).

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